Christian Motorcyclists Association
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My name is Mike Fitton I am the full time National Chairman of the Christian Motorcyclists Association UK, we are part of a worldwide mission sharing the Gospel message with bikers currently in thirty five countries. My wife Sandy and I travel extensively with teams from CMA sharing God’s love with many who would never walk into a church.
Bikers can look scary (so do many Christians!) they like to live on the edge often chasing adrenaline on a fast road, partying hard at rallies or joining a bike club simply to belong. Scary or not God loves them and Christ died for our sins to set us free. (John ch8 v36).
I love to ask bikers this question:
“If God exists, knows all about your past and your present yet still loves you enough to want a relationship with you, would you be interested?” Everyone I have asked has always said yes even - some said, “I would be crazy to say no!”
Would you have expected a biker to say yes?
Someone once said to me “Why would bikers want a bible?” We meet with thousands of bikers each year and offer them a free Biker Bible produced in partnership with the Bible Society UK, they include 24 testimonies of bikers whose lives have been changed by Grace, some sit up all night reading the stories and find Hope. Since I launched the Biker Bible at the Isle of Man TT Road Races in 2007 in excess of 85,000 bikers in the UK have asked for bibles and some have begun a personal relationship with Jesus.
Before I became a Christian in 1978 I used to say, “I am looking for an answer but I don’t know what the question is” but that all changed when I put my trust in Jesus Christ. Nothing the world offers, not even riding bikes could satisfy my heart or take away my shame but Jesus does every time we call on Him and bikers need to know the offer is for them too.
Currently CMA works in the following countries: Albania, Argentina, Bulgaria, Canada, Mexico, USA, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Croatia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Serbia, Belgium, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Paraguay, Dubai (United Arab Emirates), Nepal, Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, Zambia, United Kingdom, Latvia, Finland, Macedonia, Peru.
Whenever you see a biker please pray that God will bless them, look beyond the leathers, offer them a coffee and chat. God thinks they are worth it.
If you know a biker and want a Biker Bible for them please contact us via our website www.bike.org.uk
Many thanks,
Mike and Sandy Fitton
National Chairman CMA UK
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November 24, 2020
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