I have found great value in following the Celtic order of prayers of “office” as provided through the Northumbria Community. The community aims to blend ‘a prayer that is quiet and contemplative and a faith that is active and contagious, lived out in the ordinariness of everyday life, which forms a foundational basis for our growth and development”. This is an excellent and God-honouring ambition and one we would all do well to follow.
Every day, by God's grace I seek to pray the opening lines of the Morning Office to begin my day in the presence of God:
One thing I have asked of the Lord,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life;
to behold the beauty of the Lord
and to seek Him in His temple.
This prayer and many other fantastic resources are available on the Northumbria Community website. Why not click on this link and have a look for yourself? You will be blessed! - https://www.northumbriacommunity.org